As some will know a number of gymnasts from our club have been invited to be tested for selection for membership of a senior rhythmic group which will work towards involvement in the Olympic Games. Sarah Binding our head coach has also been asked to coach the group. The girls are currently waiting to hear who has been selected to be involved. Once this is confirmed training will begin on a more formal basis.
This is a great opportunity for the girls involved and an acknowledgement of the high standards being achieved in the club as a result of the work that Sarah and the rest of the coaching team have been putting in.
As a management committee we would want to support this project but are also conscious of our responsibility to balance this with the needs of the club as a whole. The Committee has devoted a lot of time to considering how these two aims can be accommodated. We have concluded that having this project linked with the club will be beneficial in many ways but will need careful management to ensure that the club continues to flourish. Sarah has been working with the Committee to generate ideas about how we can maximise the benefits for the club and minimise any disadvantages which might arise.
We think it is important to have an opportunity to talk to parents about these and so we propose to have an open meeting at Culverhay on Saturday morning at 9am.
If you are interested in hearing more about plans for developments within the club and for club training, along with next steps for the group, or if you have any questions or concerns, please come to the meeting so we can all benefit from discussing this together.